Monday, October 29, 2007

So it's been a while...

So it's been a while since i last posted, and a ton of stuff has happened. This past May 12th, i finally graduated from NBBC, which for me was probably one of the highlights of my life (the finishing part or it anyway). As most people would know, i am totally in love with Australia and really want to go back and serve in a church there. Until the middle of April, i had every intention of doing exactly that. The pastor of the church i had been attending for about a year and half and i spoke and he asked if i would be interested in coming in as their youth pastor. I had already decided before that, that the only way i would stick around was if he asked e to do just that. So i prayed about it and a few weeks later accepted his offer and decided to get my Masters in Biblical Counseling and be the youth pastor for two years, and see where the Lord leads from there.

I began my time as the youth pastor on the 4th June, 2007 and have now been doing it for almost five months. To say it's been an incredible journey would be an understatement. The Lord has taught me so much through this whole experience and i have learned to trust Him wholly.
The teens here are exciting and awesome to work with. Like any other youth group the numbers go up and down depending on what's going on at school, but usually there's around 20-25 of them. On Wednesday nights for the last five months, we've been studying the book of Ephesians. This study has helped me so much with my personal walk with the Lord, in better understanding the privileges i have as His child. From His choosing me to be His child before the foundation of the world, to the challenge to make Christ feel at home through His indwelling in Chapter three, it has been awesome to study so much doctrinal truth. Needless to say, we just finished chapter three and are only half way through the book. Lord willing we will be done by next summer.
I'm posting some pictures of our youth group from recent events as well and some pictures of recent stuff i've done. Hope you enjoy,
Only by Grace

ps: In one of the pics i'm holdinh Brighton Trent Herron. Trent and Erin Herron's new addition. He's cute, in another pic i'm with some friends right before graduation, and in the other, i'm graduating (oh how sweet that felt)