Wednesday, July 12, 2006

So, since Mexico...

In April 2001, my parents called me up and said "Hey, we're moving to America, and you're coming too". And that was that. In July, 2001, i rode a Greyhound for 29 hrs all the way from Monterrey Mexico to Kansas City, Missouri. And hated every minute of it too. I worked in Kansas city for about one year and then started college at Northland Baptist Bible College in Wisconsin, where it's flipp'n freez'n. ( Below are some pictures of some of my friends at Northland. My freshman Year, i was voted class President. The first picture is of me and my other class officers. The second one is of me and some mates at a music deal at my school. The call 'em Artist Series. You're supposed to take a girl, but we opted to hang out with the blokes the first time. The Third picture is of my mate Doug and I. We were roommates My Freshman year. He calls me his "Little Aussie"The last photo is of my friend Kristen and i. We went to one of those Artist Series things and on the way got blasted by a snow storm. My umbrella broke, which really sucked but made for a great picture.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Well, i guess the best place to begin would be Feb, 2000.
After some time of preparation and vacation in the U.S.A, my parents dropped me off in Monterrey Mexico. At first, i didn't kow a single thing about Mexico. When the opportunity first came up, i looked up Mexico on the internet and found pictures of Pyramids. Not really what i was expecting. As soon as we crossed the border for the first time i fell in love with the place. Mexico's an awesome country of beautiful landscapes and even more beautiful people. I got to spend a year and a half there and loved every minute of it.
Following are some of the pictures i took while in Mexico.
These are some more pictures from my time in Mexico. One is of me in a confession box in a Catholic church, another is of me on a Harley in San Louis Potosi, and another of a baby girl sitting on a table at the church i attended.


My time in Mexico Mexico proved to be quite beneficial. Learning Spanish all over again, Living in a totally new culture, and meeting new friends. but it was awesome. Below are some pictures of stuff i got to do in Mexico during my time there.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Last Six Years....

OK, so i just started this blog so i can post info, and pics from the last six years of my life, and hopfully for the ones to come.
As all my close friends would know, i'm terrible at keeping in touch with people. While i absolutely love reading emails from friends, not many have enjoyed reading any from me. So, in a dire attempt of redempting relationships, within the next few days, i'll be posting pics and info about the last six years, to get you all up to spead, and then every couple of weeks or whatever, posting updates.
Alright, more info to come.