Friday, March 07, 2008

Sarah Lynn and I

Imagine the greatest thing that could ever happen to you, Apart from knowing Christ and experiencing His grace day to day in major ways, for me it would have to be Sarah 
Lynn hands down. Sarah Lynn's my girlfriend and we're planning on getting 
married. To tell you the truth, the prospect of marriage has always been something scary for me.
    I think i've always been afraid of the idea for a few reasons, the greatest of which would have to be the end of an era of selfishness in my life. Upon getting engaged and then married, i would have to think of another person first and put myself last, something i badly want to do since starting my relationship with Sarah.
     Sarah and i have known eachother for about a year and a half. She's one of those girls you see at college that's too good for you. Too pretty, too perfect, too everything. She's the type that makes you feel intimidated. So, while she was at my bible college (only a semester) i only ever worked up the courage to talk to her a little here and there.
     Last October right after her birthday, we started chatting quite a bit on AIM and after much discussion we started dating the day before i went to Australia (November 15th). We have only been datin for almost 4 months, but plans are well underway for us to marry next May (09), and to move to Australia. 
     Yep, we're in love. I've prayed for her for such a long time not even knowing her name or when i would ever meet her. I was content with staying single if that's what God wanted (at least i like to think i was), and now i am totally ready to give up myself live for someone else for the rest of my life. 
     In fact, i don't think i can do it soon enough. Sarah has totally changed my life. She is a constant reminder of God's grace and goodness, of His wonderful provisions for my life, and of His desire for the best for my life. Well, i'm sure there will be more of Sarah and i to come, which i will post about in the near future, but for now, enjoy a few pics ;)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We can't express how happy we are for you. It's amazing how God can just give you that perfect peace about whom you're supposed to be with the rest of your life! Although we don't know here, sarah seems like the perfect fit for you. I must say I'm a little jealous that you're going to be living in Australia. Someday, I'm going to get down there you're going to have to show me all the sights. Congrats man. Jon (and Lacey)